ABA Skills and Methods

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The individualized ABA programs at Asana are designed to impart essential skills, fostering positive development and growth in each child. Discover the transformative impact of ABA as we tailor interventions to meet your child’s unique needs and unlock their full potential. 

Common Skills Taught by ABA
Help your child become their own advocate through targeted ABA interventions that promote the development of a diverse range of skills.

Communication Skills

Enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication abilities

Social Skills

Developing interpersonal skills for meaningful interactions

Adaptive Living Skills

Teaching daily life activities and routines

Classroom Readiness

Strengthening adaptability and communication skills necessary for classroom success

Self-Help Skills

Encouraging independence in personal care and hygiene

Problem-Solving Skills

Cultivating effective decision-making and critical thinking

Behavioral Regulation

Establishing self-control and emotional regulation

Play and Leisure Skills

Facilitating engagement in recreational activities

Motor Skills

Advancing fine and gross motor coordination

Common ABA Teaching Methods
Asana embraces a variety of techniques tailored to individual needs, ensuring a personalized and effective approach to fostering behavioral change.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

Practicing a specific skill or behavior in a structured and controlled environment

Behavioral Interventions

Utilizing positive reinforcement and consequences to encourage desired behavior

Task Analysis

Breaking down complex skills into smaller, manageable steps for easier learning

Prompting and Fading

Providing cues to assist in skill acquisition and gradually reducing support as independence develops

Token Economies

Implementing a system of tokens or rewards to reinforce desired behavior


Teaching a sequence of behaviors by linking one step to the next

Functional Communication Training (FCT)

Focusing on improving communication by teaching socially significant discourse

Social Stories

Creating narratives to help individuals understand and navigate social situations


Demonstrating desired behaviors for individuals to observe and imitate